Power of Kabbalah Cards Deck (EN)

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The familiar reality is the 1% material realm in which we live, yet there is another dimension, beyond our five senses. According to Kabbalah, this realm is called the 99% realm and it is the realm where everything we truly desire - love, joy, clarity, freedom, and more - is available to us.

The Power of Kabbalah card deck features content centered on thirteen core principles, more than 4,000 years old. These principles are your guide to connecting to the 99% realm. They are designed to help you break free of limiting belief systems, habits, and choices that are preventing you from living your most fulfilled lives.

These cards can be used in many ways! You can pick a “card of the day” at random and use this as a daily consciousness reminder. You can use the cards as a deep bonding tool between friends, taking turns reading the cards and each person sharing what the teaching means for them personally. You decide, the sky’s the limit.