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Becoming Like God (English)

Becoming Like God (English)

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Becoming Like God presents a logical method to achieving our supreme birthright. In revealing this opportunity for humanity, this book highlights ways to develop our natural God-like attributes, and diminish the aspect of our nature (our ego) that interferes with our destiny.
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About the Author

Michael Berg

An accomplished Kabbalah scholar and teacher, Michael Berg was the first person to translate the entire 23-volume Zohar, including commentary from Rav Ahslag, from ancient Aramaic into English. He began this monumental task when he was only 18 years old, and completed it ten years later. He is co-director of Kabbalah Centre International and Kabbalah University, the leading organization and Web site dedicated to teaching the wisdom of Kabbalah as a way to improve life. His other books include The Secret, Secrets of the Zohar, Becoming Like God, and the national bestseller, The Way.

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